Having a good command of the concept of matrices is considered to be very much important for every kid because of the practical relevance and importance associated with this particular chapter. There are different types of matrices in linear algebra and all these kinds of matrices can be perfectly differentiated based on order, elements and another certain set of conditions in the whole process. Matrices are considered to be the plural form of the term Matrix are the best way of ensuring that people will be able to deal with the solving of different questions very easily.
What are the different types of matrices in the world of mathematics?
All the different types of matrices based upon different kinds of categories have been perfectly explained as:
- Row and column matrices: This particular category is known as the category in which one column and any number of rows are known as column matrices and on the other hand whenever there will be only one row and any number of columns it will be known as the row matrices.
- Rectangular and Square Matrix: Any matrix which does not have an equal number of rows and columns is known as the rectangular matrix and it can be perfectly denoted by a matrix of M into N where M will be the number of rows and N will be the number of columns. On the other hand, any matrix which will be having an equal number of rows and columns will be known as the square matrix.
- Constant matrices: These are known as the matrices in which all the elements of the Matrix will be given by constant and will be perfect in terms of the dimension as well as the size of the matrix. The Matrix elements will be perfectly denoted by a particular symbol. In this particular system, the identity Matrix will be the square diagonal Matrix in which all the entries of the main diagonal will be equal to 1. On the other hand, any kind of Matrix which has all elements equal to 1 is known as the matrix of once and any matrix which will be having all elements equal to 0 will be known as the zero matrices.
- Singular and non-singular matrix: Any kind of square matrix that is determinant will be equal to 0 is known as the singular matrix and the matrix whose determinant is not equal to 0 will be known as the nonsingular Matrix. The determinant of the matrix can be perfectly found by the implementation of the Determinant formula in the whole process.
- Diagonal matrix: A Square Matrix in which all the elements are zero except for the elements that are in the diagonal will be known as the diagonal matrix. A scalar matrix is considered to be a type of square diagonal Matrix where all the elements of the diagonal are equal.
- Upper and lower triangular Matrix: The upper triangular Matrix will be the one in which all the elements will be present into the lower diagonal elements are zero. On the other hand, the lower triangular Matrix will be the one in which elements in the upper triangle will be zero.
- Orthogonal matrix: This will be considered as the matrix in which the product of one matrix into the transport of that particular matrix will be is equal to the identity.
Following are the most important facts associated with the different types of the matrix is about which the kids need to be clear:
- Matrices with only one row and any number of the column will be known as room matrices
- Matrices with one column in any number of the role will be known as column matrices
- Constant matrices will be the ones in which elements will be constant for any kind of a size of the dimension.
Hence, being clear about the inverse of matrix is another very important thing to be taken into consideration in the whole process so that people can deal with things very professionally. Apart from this depending on Cuemath is the best way of having a good command of this chapter.