SEO and Link building
You cannot do business without an online presence in this era of the internet. So, every business is under a compulsion to have a website or at least a blog. Apart from businesses, you can also find many individuals starting blogs to offer informative articles and other forms of content to people. Whatever the type of your website is, you will not get visitors if you do not care about SEO. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. As the majority of the internet users are searching for stuff online through search engines like Google, getting listed on the search results is the only way to get these visitors. Else, you should send the link of your website personally to people to acquire them. Although there are some platforms like social media to share the links of your websites, nothing can bring the traffic that comes with search engines. So, doing SEO is better. SEO comprises various techniques and activities. Link building is a crucial activity that will raise the rankings of your website on these search engines. Niche edits will come under this link-building strategy as it places your URLs on various websites through older posts. The following is a complete guide to this backlinking technique.
Working of niche edits
As said, it is nothing but a link-building technique that comprises two parties. You will have your website and will stand as a party demanding links from high-authority websites. On the other hand, these high-authority sites will form the opposite party offering you the required backlinks. Either you can contact these sites yourself or you can go with a middleman named niche edits provider. The process goes as follows,
- You or the third party will approach the websites that are in the same niche for link placements.
- You will also choose a particular page or content from the host site and will ask the owner whether he can hyperlink the desired anchor text on that page with your website’s link.
- If the owner is willing to do so, he will link your site. It is the white-hat niche edit technique.
- Sometimes, the host may ask for a payment to do so. It is considered a grey-hat practice that is not completely legal or illegal according to Google. So, if you need the link desperately, you can consider paying that money.
- Once linked, your website will have increased backlinks than before. Also, the backlink is coming from a relevant site. Such a link will tell Google that your site is considerable and will be helpful for visitors. So, Google will increase your rankings on the search engine for the related keywords.
- If you do this and get more links, your rankings will keep on increasing.
- However, some factors could affect your rankings even if you do niche edits. One such factor is the no-follow tag on the links. If the links are tagged no-follow, your rankings will not change. So, you should only go for do-follow links.
- Likewise, the anchor text should be relevant and the sentence containing the link should have a proper contextual meaning.
- If you take care of all these things, your rankings will improve. If you are buying such niche edit backlinks, the third-party provider himself will help you by doing everything.
Why buy niche edit backlinks instead of acquiring them by own actions?
Mostly, experts will not prefer acquiring niche edit backlinks by yourself. It is because of the following difficulties in the process.
- The research itself will consume a lot of time and you will not have enough time to manage your other works.
- You may not have enough connections to find and convince bloggers and site owners to place your links. Although if you get those websites, you will not have the expertise in convincing them for link insertion.
- You may not know to choose a highly reliable site with the necessary SEO metrics.
- You will not know to choose the best anchor texts and relevant websites that could boost your rankings.
Differences between guest posts and niche edits
You should not confuse niche edits with guest posts due to the following differences between them.
- Guest posting will give you a backlink if you create and deliver a guest article to the host website. Niche edits do not force you to do so. You can avoid writing new content.
- Guest posting will have your link in a new post on the host website. So, the page may take a few days to get crawled by Google. Niche edits will place your link on existing articles that are already crawled. So, the latter’s link will be of high value.
- Guest posting will show results in rankings after a long time. Niche edits will bring results instantly or with limited time.
- Most websites will not accept your guest posts easily and will have several conditions to meet. Niche edits will be possible without much effort from your end.
- Overall costs of paid guest posting will be higher than that of paid niche edits.
Mistakes to avoid while buying niche edits
If you decide to buy niche edits from online service providers, you should beware of the following mistakes and should avoid them for better results.
Selecting an unreliable supplier – You will find several companies and freelancers offering niche edits links. However, a bunch of such service providers will be fake and you should beware of them. If you end up selecting an unreliable provider, it is a mistake.
Choosing unrelated niches – It is a mistake to choose websites from other irrelevant niches for link placements as it affects your rankings to a greater extent.
Not caring about anchor text – Although if you place the link on a relevant website, your anchor may be irrelevant and it will also affect your rankings. So, not focusing on the relevant anchor texts will also be a mistake to avoid.
Going black-hat – If you take the black-hat route of hacking websites for backlinks, your website may get banned at any time.