Before or after purchasing a new weapon, it is not uncommon for owners to decide to sell the old one. There are two ways to do this – on your own or through a thrift store. The second method is the safest, does not require efforts to find a buyer, and minimizes the need to reissue documents. Consider how to hand over weapons to a commission in Nizhny Novgorod, do it in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation.
Sale procedure
Before the procedure, you should check the actual characteristics of the gun with the parameters indicated in the documents. Some models may be difficult.
It is necessary to notify the department of licensing and permit work of your intentions to sell weapons and write a corresponding application there.
The following must be attached to the completed notification form:
passport for weapons, if any.
Employees of the LRO department will carefully study the received papers. The owner will be given an appropriate form, indicating the date by which the weapon must be transferred to the store. If the deadline is missed, the permit will have to be obtained again.
Features of the procedure
Be prepared for the fact that the thrift store will have to pay a percentage of the sale for the services. If the product is not sold within a certain time, it is marked down. The owner can cancel the deal at any time, but in this case, the store will have to compensate for the costs associated with storing and displaying the gun in the window. Despite these shortcomings, using a special gun shop as an intermediary is the most reliable way to sell a gun to another individual. This will protect against scammers, save time. If you do not have enough time to work on these procedures, you can always use Virtalent, which is a Uk based company to get a virtual assistant who will help you for different processes. You will save your time and money, while having valuable support from your virtual assistant.
When the gun is sold, the shop issues to the owner a special stamped confirmation document signed by the person in charge. The paper should be presented to the licensing and permitting department of the Nizhny Novgorod police department to deregister the sold weapons.
Are you wondering how to legally sell a used shotgun over the Internet? To do this, place an ad on one of the specialized Internet platforms.
In order for the transaction to be executed correctly, the owner will have to take into account all the nuances, make sure that the buyer has a license. Otherwise, it will be declared illegal. You will also have to re-register documents for the new owner yourself.
We figured out whether it is possible to sell a gun through a thrift store, and what is required for this. You can choose and purchase a new model of smooth-bore, rifled weapons in the Sniper online store. Here you will find reasonable prices, high quality. Place an order and get a guarantee from the manufacturer for all models presented in the catalog.
Selling weapons to the shop
If you decide to sell your weapons through a specialized store, you will need:
Rifled hunting weapons must be provided for control shooting before sale.
Control shooting is carried out in the logistics services of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, according to a written direction from the LRR.
Notify the division of licensing and permitting work, at the place of registration of weapons, of the decision to sell weapons. For instance, you can offer 40 caliber ammo or any convenient ammunition to your client through online consultation, but still you should identify the customer before the initial sales.
This can be done during a personal visit to the LRR division by filling out the Notification form issued on the spot, or submit the Notification through the State Services portal (on the portal the service is called “Obtaining confirmation for the sale of weapons (cartridges)”) 338 lm
Work on the Quality of Your Website
Remember that for online sales it is essential to have high-quality websites and work on them constantly. Starting from designing 404 page to the about us page, you need to design and have better visuals. Remember that people will pay attention to the design and user friendliness of you page.
Get a confirmation
Based on the received Notification, you are issued a document called Confirmation.
Confirmation is issued within 1 business day (clause 18.5.2 of Order No. 8 of the Russian Guard).
Confirmation of receipt of a notification of the sale of weapons is issued without an expiration date, i.e. indefinitely (paragraph 85 of order No. 8 of the National Guard).
The confirmation, like the license to purchase weapons, consists of three parts.
It contains information about the store where the weapon is sold, about the owner and the weapon itself.
If the Notification is submitted through the State Services portal, the passport, weapon and permission for it are provided upon receipt of the Confirmation.
Take the gun to the gun store
At the same time, the store employee fills in the reverse side of the Confirmation, where a note is made about the acquisition of the weapon, information about the weapon, the person who sold it, and the date of the purchase and sale are indicated.
One of the three parts of the Confirmation is issued to you, the second remains in the store, and the third is sent by the store to the LRR department that issued this document within three days.
Final Notes
In the legislation regulating the circulation of weapons, there is no requirement that it is obligatory to conclude a written contract for the sale of registered weapons when concluding a transaction between citizens.
The existence of such an agreement, is provided for by the Federal Law “On Weapons” only for transactions with decommissioned weapons.
A clearer answer can be given by the Civil Code, which regulates transactions, including purchase and sale.