Are you diabetic? You’re not alone; there are thousands of people with the condition which necessitates proper management throughout a lifetime. You should also have a strong diabetes management policy in place, with healthy eating as its central tenet. At the same time, you should also look to financially secure your family members for the future. Finally, look up term insurance for diabetic patients as a security layer that gives you greater peace of mind.
The term insurance meaning is pretty simple; you get adequate life coverage from the insurance company in return for a premium. Moreover, the insurer pays your nominees the fixed sum assured in case of your unfortunate and sudden demise within the policy tenure. Hence, this will make sure that in any such eventuality, your family members can manage monthly living costs, future goals, and debt repayments smoothly without having to land in soup. Here are a few diabetes management tips that will significantly help you.
Managing Diabetes- An Essential Skill To Master
No two diabetes conditions are the same. However, with a healthy eating regime, you can manage diabetes successfully throughout your life while keeping your blood pressure, blood sugar/glucose levels, and cholesterol levels in check. A proper diet will also help you avoid obesity and other complications such as strokes, heart ailments, organ degeneration, etc.
Here are some tips that you should not neglect:
- Consume Your Food Smartly Each Day- Aim to have three main meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) every day, along with three healthy snacking options in between your meals to keep hunger cravings away. A snack at bedtime will help you combat nightly or dawn hypoglycemia (lower blood sugar levels).
- Eat More Complex Carbohydrates In Your Meals- You should aim at higher consumption of complex carbohydrates. Consume wheat bread, rice with vegetables, fruits with pulp and skin, wheat, salads, wheat noodles, wheat pasta, and other items with higher fibre content, which increase the periods of absorption and digestion alike.
- Lower Added Sugar In Your Diet- You should avoid added sugar like the plague. Stick to varieties of tea and coffee without any natural or refined sugar, along with zero-sugar beverages, coconut water, buttermilk, milk, and so on.
- Consume Protein Adequately- You should ensure that you consume protein in your daily diet, including fish, chicken, eggs, etc. Vegetarians can increase protein intake by consuming broccoli, legumes, pulses, paneer made at home, low-fat cheese, mushrooms, soybeans, and tofu.
- Healthier Fats Can Be Good For You- Some fat sources are healthy for you, including oily fish, seeds, unsalted nuts, avocados, olive oil, soya oil, sunflower oil, canola oil, sesame oil, and rice bran oil. They ensure good cholesterol within the body. Avoid saturated fats, which are bad for the heart and are mainly found in processed items and animal products like processed and red meat, butter, ghee, biscuits, mayonnaise, pies, cakes, pastries, and so on. You can cut back on the oil used for cooking and consume more baked or grilled meals.
- Take Care Of Adequate Dairy Intake- You should meet the daily calcium requirements for your body by consuming cheese, curd, buttermilk, milk, and homemade paneer in suitable amounts.
- Fibre Is Your Mainstay- Fiber helps you manage diabetes better through the suppression of blood sugar levels. Maintain your daily fibre intake after consulting your doctor or dietician. The best fibre sources include cooked and raw vegetables, whole fruits with pulp, legumes, and whole grains.
- Go For Lighter Snacking Options- Choose delicious and healthy snacking options like low-fat yoghurt, unsalted nuts, vegetables, fruits, pumpkin or flax seeds, sprouts and salads, and Makhana in place of unhealthy biscuits, fried food, banana or potato chips, and chocolates.
- Responsible Consumption Of Alcohol Is Always Recommended- Be a really moderate drinker since alcohol’s calorific value is high. Limit consumption to an ounce each week at the most, or take your doctor’s advice. You should never consume alcohol on an empty stomach.
- Staying Hydrated Is Very Important- You should stay hydrated as much as possible. Keep consuming water before your main meals. Consume regular water and other healthy beverages without any sugar and freshly squeezed juices with the pulp.
Foods That You Should Consume And Some Other Tips
Here are a few additional tips that you should keep in mind:
- Be clear about your portion size. Chalk out the sizes based on your recommended dietary allowance.
- Green leafy vegetables are great for those with diabetes since they ensure proper energy with lower carbohydrates and suitable fibre, vitamins, and minerals.
- You should consume nuts which contain vital nutrients while enabling an improvement in blood sugar levels for those with Type-2 diabetes. For instance, pistachios may lower risks with its peptide1 hormone, while walnuts may help lower risks of diabetes and blood sugar levels alike.
- Garlic enables an improvement in the overall glycemic status while lowering post-prandial and fasting blood sugar levels. Garlic has beneficial vitamins which allow better management of blood sugar and metabolism.
- Cinnamon lowers the risks of not just diabetes but also accompanying health complications. It also combats sugar spikes after consuming major meals.
Here’s to a successful diabetes management journey ahead, complete with healthy eating and lifestyle practices. At the same time, do not forget to financially safeguard your family’s future with dedicated term insurance and other investments. This will contribute to your overall well-being since you can keep stressing away.